Professional development

Diversifying leadership

At XPO, we believe in welcoming everyone—regardless of gender or gender identity, race or ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, or disability. In this way, we create respectful workplaces with a diversity of talents and perspectives.


We believe it’s imperative that our company reflects the diverse makeup of the communities we serve. Our focus on diversity is evident in our Values and our Code of Business Ethics, which specifically define XPO as being respectful and non-discriminatory. Our commitment, however, goes beyond just saying the right things. It’s about doing the right things. Results will always matter to us, and they matter the most when they come from behavior that is fair, respectful, lawful and honest.


Beyond our operations, our company is a strong proponent of supplier diversity. We make contracting opportunities available to businesses owned by women, minorities, veterans and members of the LGBTQ+ community. We also support businesses associated with people with disabilities, as well as supplier initiatives that reflect our values and that benefit underrepresented groups.