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Help Center

OceanGuaranteed offers day-definite, guaranteed service from Asia to North America

Our integrated end-to-end shipping solution combines the industry-leading expertise of APL Logistics and XPO.

How do I book a shipment?

It’s as easy as calling (844) 479-9620, Option 2, followed by Option 6. Our dedicated customer service representatives will be glad to assist you.

How does Ocean Guaranteed provide a competitive advantage for me?

OceanGuaranteed offers you one-stop reliability from two trusted leaders, APL Logistics and XPO. With our one-of-a-kind service, you’ll get:

  • Reliability — Day-definite delivery for more reliable inventory, production and sales planning.
  • Ease of use — An efficient, integrated solution with a single phone number, single invoice and a single, kilo-based, port-to-door price.
  • The biggest combined network — More points of origin in Asia and destinations in North America with no constraints on shipment volume.
  • Guaranteed space — Shipments typically among the last loaded on the vessel and the first unloaded once they reach North America.
  • Faster transit times — 99% on-time performance with a money-back guarantee that refunds you 20% if your shipment arrives late.
  • Cost advantage — Up to 75% less expensive than airfreight.
  • Greener alternative — 95% reduction in carbon emissions when compared to airfreight.

What makes Ocean Guaranteed faster?

Our optimized network ensures guaranteed delivery times through:

  • Late CFS cut-off and priority vessel stow in Asia.
  • Priority discharge and handling on the U.S. West Coast.
  • Guaranteed vessel space, even during peak seasons.
  • Over-the-road transport avoids rail-related congestion and delays.

Which ports do you ship from?

With just one call, you can ship to North America from the following 13 Asian ports:

  • China — Hong Kong, Qingdao, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Ningbo-Zhoushan, and Xiamen
  • Indonesia — Jakarta
  • Singapore
  • South Korea — Busan
  • Taiwan — Kaohsiung
  • Thailand — Bangkok
  • Vietnam — Ho Chi Minh and Haiphong

Does Ocean Guaranteed cover Canada and Mexico too?

Yes, OceanGuaranteed provides service to the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

How long will it take for my shipment to arrive at its destination?

Total transit time from port-to-door averages 10 - 16 days, which is 30% faster than standard ocean/intermodal shipping. Upon booking your shipment, you will receive a guaranteed, day-definite delivery confirmation.

Sample Destinations

(Departs Shanghai - Day 1)


How will I be billed?

You will receive a single invoice from APL Logistics. Costs are calculated on a port-to-door basis and shipments move under one bill of lading.  You’ll benefit from a single-source service where no third parties or brokers are involved.

Are there capacity or space restrictions?

No. OceanGuaranteed LTL customers receive guaranteed capacity; your shipment will not be rolled or delayed once we accept your booking, even during peak season.

What if I have a problem or question about a shipment?

Call APL at (844) 479-9620, Option 2, followed by Option 6. Our dedicated, centralized customer support monitors all your LCL import shipments and proactively notifies you of service exceptions.

Learn more about the terms of OceanGuaranteed for LTL shipments.